13 July 2020
It is the impossibility of achieving complete closure of the eyelids, exposing the cornea to the outside environment. This causes severe eye dryness, which can have serious consequences for vision.
What is the cause?
There are several causes, the most frequent is facial paralysis. It can also be caused by aggressive surgeries on the eyelids, patients with thyroid orbitopathy, ectropion or eversion of the eyelid outward, scarring of the eyelids or conjunctiva.
Which is the treatment?
This condition can be improved by lubricating drops or gels, or by surgical correction, if the drops or gels are not effective and the risk of exposure keratopathy (damage to the cornea due to lack of lubrication) persists. The Oculoplasty ophthalmologist surgeon is trained to perform these procedures and preserve the entire ocular surface.